Friday, September 19, 2014


            I value getting hope at a time when I had little.
·         I value getting a prized memory from my grandmother
·         I value that that prized memory became my life for a year
·         I value that I have learned the value of perseverance and having a goal
·         I value having a family that can tolerate such extreme passion
·         I value that not even the worst day in American history could stop me
·         I value having a purpose when most people didn’t
·         I value that I tried my hardest and didn’t give up
·         I value that I left because I was ready
·         I value that I said “I will” when so many said “You can’t,” and I was right
·         I value that by doing so, I have already done far more than most of the kids I grew up with
·         I value that I enjoyed having the buzz of being at the center of it all
·         I value that I was able to live on my own in the most expensive spot on Earth… and have a reasonably comfortable life
·         I value that I was completely self-sufficient
·         I value that I had my own place in Manhattan
·         I value that I lived in Manhattan the entire time when on my own
·         I value getting to live a childhood dream
·         I value its history
·         I value imagining myself as “Man Walking Through Times Square #36” when watching movies
·         I value the lessons about life I learned
·         I value its architecture
·         I value the hundreds of “only here” moments I had
·         I value being able to see celebrities, and be blasé about it
·         I value living through history
·         I value that in my own small way, I have left my mark there
·         I value what it’s meant to millions before me, and millions after
·         I value having Alex, Zach, Vanessa, and my Intrepid co-workers in my life
·         I value getting my masters degree
·         I value completing my master’s thesis
·         I value that I still like Rockefeller Center despite everything that happened
·         I value I stepped back from the abyss
·         I value all the good tours I had… even at Top of the Rock
·         I value how I may have inspired one girl to learn astronomy, even if the Enterprise bored me
·         I value I let people cross the Concorde off their bucket list
·         I value being able to see the entire world from a street corner
·         I value being able to block out a sea of distraction
·         I value being able to be seen as a local
·         I value showing visitors that we’re not all heartless
·         I value moving people to tears, laughter, curiosity and awe
·         I value that, in retrospect, I did use my skills down there after all
·         I value what I learned about myself, and what I need to be happy
·         I value that I have finally been confronted with a lot of my problems and finally begun to deal with them in a meaningful and permanent manner
·         I value the parting gift of a new challenge and a new life
·         I value that I alone decide what happens to my city in my life… and I want to take it back.

·         I value… that I will.


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